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来源:证券之星  时间:2024-04-14 17:05:47  阅读量:16431次   

南方财经全媒体记者庞成 杨雨莱 广州报道

The 135th China Import and Export Fair, named as Canton Fair, will open on April 15th.

During a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on April 1, Wang Shouwen, Deputy Minister of Commerce and Representative for International Trade Negotiations, stated that the total exhibition area of the 135th Canton Fair reached 1.55 million square meters, with 28,600 companies participating in the export exhibition and 680 companies participating in the import exhibition. Wang Shouwen mentioned that the aforementioned figures all exceeded the scale of previous sessions.

As of April 12th, 137,000 overseas buyers from 215 countries and regions have pre-registered.With the opening approaching, how are the preparations for the 135th Canton Fair progressing? What are the highlights of this session worth paying attention to? Let's take a look.


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